If you loved Elden Ring, you have to play King’s Field IV

FromSoftware has been developing games since 1994, but it wasn’t until Hidetaka Miyazaki joined in 2004—and directed 2009’s critically acclaimed Demon’s Souls—that the studio’s fate would change. Its catalog prior to the Soulsborne franchise ranges from fascinating to hilarious, whether it be a series of over a dozen Armored Core games to a Sonic the Hedgehog spin-off starring Cookie & Cream.

From 1994 to 2009, the company had developed over 50 video games, yet the ones people are mostly aware of (and have played) are those which utilize its iconic Souls formula. Starting with the launch of Demon’s Souls in 2009, the company finally found its niche and was thrust towards excellence, leaving behind its shoddy past full of critically panned titles.

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