11 Content Marketing Trends for 2024

The Gist

  • Diverse media expansion. The evolution of content marketing encompasses a broad range of formats, including video, audio, and interactive media, broadening the ways businesses can engage with their audience.
  • AI’s role in content. Artificial Intelligence is reshaping content creation, offering new possibilities in media development and enhancing the overall quality of marketing strategies.
  • Regular content review. Periodic evaluations of content are becoming essential to maintain accuracy and relevance, addressing the challenges of misinformation in the era of rapidly evolving digital media.

B2B marketing and content marketing go hand in hand, as do the changes in the marketing space. Content marketing changes are often selected to retain customer interest. However, the trajectory of these adjustments is becoming less straightforward due to emerging dynamics in media strategy.

Content includes diverse media forms like text, video, images and audio. It varies by file format (.pdf, .mp4, etc.) and media type, including memes and infographics. By offering information in various formats, businesses have a better chance to attract customers.

For years, these media were primarily static. Recent platform changes have led to more programmatic delivery of media. With AI and new features, marketers now face a wider array of choices for managing customer experiences.

Let’s explore the content marketing trends and concepts emerging this year that are vying for customer interest and marketing budgets.

Content Marketing Trend No. 1: Content in New Spaces, but Search Remains Content Strategy Royalty

The trend of consumers using TikTok as a search engine shows that content discovery has evolved beyond the traditional Google vs. Bing scenario. On TikTok, adults are spending more time watching videos, averaging about 55 minutes per day, eMarketer reports. This duration is five minutes more than the average for YouTube, though YouTube boasts twice as many U.S. users (237.4 million compared to TikTok’s 102.3 million).

The increase in video watching signifies a shift in engagement; people are starting to favor video as their preferred method of content consumption.

Despite TikTok’s growing search influence, marketers understand that reinforcing their online search profile remains important, as it aligns with the diverse search starting points many customers are exploring.

For example, people are using generative AI tools, which process search queries through the same web pages as traditional search engines, summarizing results and often referencing their URLs. From Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) to OpenAI’s elimination of the time frame limitation in training ChatGPT, marketers recognize that the discoverability of their content is more crucial than ever in attracting potential customers.

From Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) to OpenAI’s elimination of the time frame limitation in training ChatGPT, marketers recognize that the discoverability of their content is more crucial than ever in attracting potential customers.mvc_stock on Adobe Stock Photos

What Marketers Should Expect

Marketers should reassess their SEO campaigns in line with evolving customer search behaviors and content discovery patterns. This involves updating both organic and branded search strategies, including outbound links and target keywords.

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Content Marketing Trend No. 2: Marketers Will Use AI for Enhanced Content Production Quality

AI has revitalized the process of content creation and development. This technology aids brands in media planning, operations, and content creation, allowing employees to concentrate on more complex tasks.

However, the common belief that more content equals success and that everyone “understands” AI is misleading. The reality is that understanding is often superficial, leading to mistakes. This will become evident in 2024, especially as the scaling of content production becomes more complex.

Ann Handley, chief content officer of MarketingProfs and author of “Everybody Writes,” observed changes in the content lifecycle due to scaling potential. Speaking in a Sitecore webinar, she emphasized the problematic mindset of producing more content. “I don’t think creating more and more content has ever been the answer,” she explains. “In a world where we have AI increasing our efficiency, it is incumbent on all of us to take a more measured and responsible approach to AI implementation.”

What Marketers Should Expect

Expect to see experimentation with AI amidst a quicker lifecycle of content production, as AI technology promptly alerts brand managers to activities that conflict with media plans or operations. While this opportunity may seem chaotic, it also promises improved identification and adjustment of systematic content creation, freeing up employees throughout the content production chain.

Related Article: The AI and Content Marketing Paradox: Empowering and Threatening the Future

Content Marketing Trend No. 3: Expect More Content Audits to Prevent Misinformation Through AI

To consistently align consumer interest with brand messaging, marketers must audit their content campaigns across different media. This will aid in focusing on how platforms optimally support your content.

For example, YouTube has mandated that AI-generated content on its platform be labeled, enabling users to differentiate between authentic content and potentially misleading, AI-created material that could spread misinformation. As AI becomes increasingly integrated into content creation tools, distinguishing genuine content is essential to ensure message authenticity.

What Marketers Should Expect

As AI-enhanced features improve search quality, marketers should plan for more frequent audits of this capability. Evaluating how content aligns with brand and consumer messaging, particularly in welcome emails or series stages, can reveal the effectiveness of reaching customers before an actual connection or sale occurs.

Societal issues like misinformation spread and the tumultuous atmosphere of the U.S. presidential election are intensifying the focus on content moderation support in online communities. Consequently, the influencers who successfully navigate moderation while engaging customers will best maintain community audience, brand safety and marketer budget.

Related Article: Why Marketers Should Stop Worrying and Embrace AI in Content Marketing

Content Marketing Trend No. 4: Influencers, Marketers Adapt as Platform Content Choices Evolve

As highlighted in the social media trends post, users are increasingly choosing platforms based on their preferred medium. These media preferences are shaping platform strategies for influencers, affecting content delivery methods. For example, Business Insider reported  that TikTok advised its shop merchants to stream live for at least two hours (some committed to eight-hour and 24-hour sell-a-thons). This shift indicates a growing emphasis on video over other mediums on the platform.

What Marketers Should Expect

Marketers need to stay informed about how influencers align with their content strategy. Influencers should aid in creating content that sparks conversation and ensuring that the brand’s voice remains authentic.

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Content Marketing Trend No. 5: Comfort and Reminder Content Are Increasingly Prevalent

Over time, social media has shown marketers that their content can effectively reach customers. Recently, the focus has shifted to creating content that communicates why customers should continue their subscription or make additional purchases through an app. To provide an immersive consumer experience, marketers, especially retailers, are incorporating digital tools into their marketing strategy execution, whether for registrations at business conferences or to boost in-store purchases.

Consequently, there’s a rise in content that reinforces brand benefits, comforting customers by reminding them of the advantages a specific brand offers. Chain Store Age reported an increase in coupon and retail app usage aimed at reducing customer churn.

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