Transforming the Future of Content Management

The Gist

  • AI-driven CMS evolution. The integration of AI into CMS has revolutionized content creation and management, shifting the focus from maintenance to innovation and significantly simplifying workflows.
  • Personalization at scale. AI enables the rapid creation of personalized content variants, allowing businesses to experiment with and tailor messaging to diverse customer segments efficiently.
  • Addressing AI implementation challenges. Effective AI adoption requires overcoming legal, compliance, and security concerns. Integrating AI within existing governance frameworks ensures safe and efficient deployment.

AUSTIN, Texas — The Contentstack ContentCon conference at the Hotel Van Zandt in Austin earlier this month provided a platform for industry leaders to delve into the transformative potential of generative AI, epitomized by the arrival of ChatGPT in November 2022. The conversation, led by Contentstack executives and customers, explored the profound impact of AI on content creation, marketing strategies and customer experiences.

Executives and customers caught up with CMSWire and reflected on the evolution of AI, its integration into content management systems (CMS) and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for brands seeking to harness the power of AI to drive innovation and differentiation in the digital landscape.

Evolution of Content Management Systems (CMS) and AI Integration

Gireesh Sahukar, vice president of digital at Dawn Foods and a Contentstack customer, offered a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of CMS and the integration of AI technologies within content marketing strategies. He provided a historical perspective, reflecting on the initial challenges faced when introducing modern CMS and ecommerce platforms to the market. Sahukar vividly described the reactions encountered, noting, “When we started this journey five years ago, there were mostly blank stares,” he said.

How so? “People had not heard of them or did not really understand how flexible the architecture was, and how much control it gave the business teams to rapidly operate and … make content changes and do what they needed to without any oversight,” he said.

He emphasized the revolutionary shift from traditional CMS systems to contemporary headless architectures, which have empowered content creators and marketers with unprecedented flexibility and autonomy. Sahukar illustrated the transformative impact of this transition, highlighting the simplification of content workflows and the reduction of technical barriers.

“With the modern, headless architectures, what’s happening is the content users are doing their work … with CMS with its built-in frameworks and publication workflows,” he said. “And the presentation will pick up anything and everything that is published.”

APIs make everything accessible. If an API is published, you can access it easily; just press enter, he said. All components have a well-understood, user-friendly presentation. This means minimal developer involvement is needed, simplifying the process. Previously, technology resources spent about 30% of their time on new features and 70% on maintenance, according to Sahukar.

Now, that ratio has flipped, with only 5% of their time spent on new feature development. We can now incorporate new releases from platform ISVs, such as personalized content or AI acceleration assistance, much more efficiently. Developers can quickly integrate these features, allowing business users to leverage these new capabilities, according to Sahukar. As a result, there’s a shift from maintaining and managing existing content and assets to focusing on innovation and new developments.

Related Article: Beyond the Hype: Real-World Impact of Generative AI in Content Management

Utilizing AI Across Different Business Functions

Sahukar expanded upon the multifaceted applications of AI beyond digital experiences, delving into its role in manufacturing processes and demand forecasting within Dawn Foods. He elaborated on leveraging AI-powered tools like Jasper for composing messages and generating content variants at scale. In terms of digital experience, “AI tools are embedded in all the planning and inventory management and planning, demand forecasting, those kinds of things. They have been really, really good,” Sahukar explained.

He underscored the significance of AI in streamlining operations and enhancing personalized messaging, particularly in catering to diverse customer segments. Sahukar illustrated this with examples from Dawn Foods’ clientele, ranging from cake shops to full-line bakeries, emphasizing the need for targeted messaging and rapid experimentation facilitated by AI technologies.

“You run into the need for creating hundreds of variants for the same piece of content,” he said. “AI can do that at scale and in a fairly short amount of time in seconds. So that gives you the ability to scale, the ability to personalize your message to your audience. … If it’s not resonating, pull it out, put a different version of the same messaging. And AI will help you generate alternate messages where we rapidly get 30 to 40 alternates really really fast.”

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