Is Your Website Truly ESG Compliant?

The Gist

  • Reputation matters. ESG commitments influence brand and investor decisions.
  • Visual proof. Use data visualizations to showcase ESG progress effectively.
  • Real actions. Demonstrate ESG efforts with updates to avoid greenwashing claims.

Over the past few years, environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters have risen up in the corporate social responsibility agenda. ESG commitments and any related actions are now taken seriously regarded as reputational, compliance and risk-related issues. How a company presents its record on ESG strategies to the outside world — including on its website — must be carefully considered.

Are ESG Commitments Worth the Investment Risk?

There are still some skeptical voices about the importance of ESG commitments in corporate social responsibility goals. However, a stack of evidence suggests that an organization’s track record on ESG can impact everything from global investment strategies to customer buying decisions.

Research from PwC found that 79% of global investors consider ESG risks an important factor in choosing where to invest. Joint research from McKinsey and NielsenIQ also found that products making ESG-related claims on average had stronger cumulative growth over a five year period than products that didn’t.

Joint research from McKinsey and NielsenIQ also found that products making ESG-related claims on average had stronger cumulative growth over a five year period than products that didn’t.Jakob Fischer on Adobe Stock Photos

Related Article: How Delivering on ESG Means Delivering on Customer Experience

Is Your Website ESG Aligned?

Any digital team should ensure that a company’s digital presence and website is fully aligned to their ESG commitments. This alignment occurs across two main dimensions; first, that a company’s ESG record is presented optimally; and second, that its website and digital footprint is managed in such a way that is consistent with the ESG commitment.

7 Tips for Solid ESG Commitments

It’s fair to say that generally much more attention is given to the presentation of ESG-related content than how a website is managed. Let’s dig into seven tips covering both aspects.

1. Detail Your ESG Related Policies and Reports

ESG is important when it comes to corporate social responsibility matters, and it can certainly impact brand and reputation. At a minimum, your web presence should detail your ESG commitments. Most big corporates put considerable effort into this, and some will even have a dedicated site and also likely some kind of annual report, often in PDF format.

To cover some of the basics, ensure your website remains up to date with your ESG policies and reports and give these the prominence they deserve within your site navigation and via corporate social responsiblity content spotlights on your homepage. Consider providing the quick headline view as well as the detail that can then be drilled into, including the inevitable PDF download if people want more details.

If all your ESG-related content and messaging is wrapped up in the PDF download consider liberating some of this into a page format so it can be more easily consumed.

2. Include Visuals of the Roadmap and the Numbers

ESG commitments — particularly in the environmental area — are often about the future roadmap with specific targets to reach. Presenting the steps of the roadmap and the specific numbers around the progress made presents an opportunity for attractive data visualization that can also create a powerful impression. Although this will need to be updated periodically, which can be time consuming for the web team, it is worth spending time on the design to get it right.

3. Include the News and Updates That Validate Your Actions

One of the valid accusations leveled at organizations is that their ESG commitments are shallow PR exercises, essentially “greenwashing,” with bad practices that contradict their good intentions. In some cases, these accusations might have some truth to them, but for others, they may be very unfair.

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